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National Register of supervisory authorities

Employers' Federation Kyiv informs you that the Federation of Employers of Ukraine completed the formation of the National Registry of regulatory authorities.


This was preceded by a 6-month job Federation Directorate, which on the basis of summarizing the data from the central authorities, to search for and analysis of the provisions of legal acts and other acts regulating the activities of regulatory bodies, formed the said register.


Today, you can confidently assert that business, government, civil society organizations have a single consolidated document that contains information about the name of state supervision (control), the subject of supervision (control), frequency and duration of exercise plan (plan) surveillance (monitoring ), the entity responsible for the violation of the law. It is the absence of such audit did not give her time exercising systematic analysis of regulatory functions in terms of optimization and further development of relevant legislative initiatives to deregulate the sphere of state supervision (control) of economic activity.


The link is http://reestr.fru.org.ua/ list of control bodies with all the necessary information about their activities in the field of supervision (control) questionnaire for feedback from business and presentation of the National Registry of regulatory authorities.

Written by: Þëèÿ Áåíöëåð 1 2013.04.23   |  Rating  

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